becoming a mother, managing a business and keeping sane..


Hi guys!

It's been such a long time since I last posted anything, I know. I've been so busy with motherhood and getting both my business and personal life in order, not to mention staying in the hospital as a result of post natal depression (we'll get to that) and trying to establish a new daily routine..

 SO MUCH has happened since February, I think the most important thing to mention is of course the birth of my baby girl!!

I could not be happier with her, she truly is a gift from God!! 

She was actually 9 days overdue! Ahh the agony!! You did not want to be around me during those 9 days.. I was the moodiest, aggiest, most irritable person lol! My family really stood the tests of time! LMAO

And then, on Good Friday, the blessed day came... MY WATERS BROKE! 24 hours later.. I had a beautiful baby girl! 

I won't go into the ins and outs of the birthing process just yet.. maybe if I have time, I can dedicate a post to it another day. But I can say that I am grateful to God everything went okay and we are both alive and well today. 

The next big thing that happened was my admission to hospital due to my post natal depression. I had a really bad case of post natal depression, I'm talking crying ALL THE TIME, NO SLEEP, NOT LETTING ANYONE HOLD THE BABY, CONSTANT WORRYING... IT NEVER ENDED!! Prior to my admission, I did not sleep for three days straight.. and  finally, I just had a breakdown. There's no shame in asking for help when you are in trouble and there's nothing wrong with being in trouble...
I was admitted and I stayed in hospital for just under two weeks, I finally slept! lol.. I was offered counselling and it really helped. I was able to get back to my old self and tackle some of my issues head on, one by one. It was then that I re-visited my relationship with God also..
I'm starting to let him take control of a lot of areas in life and it just relieves a lot of the stress. 
I hope this story can come as consolation to all you first time mums, especially if you're a single parent like myself. You are never alone! There is always help out there for you! :)
And please please please remember.. motherhood is supposed to be fun! It's supposed to bring fulfillment!.. So enjoy the moment! There's so much beauty in it!! 

Now, onto my business.. I am so glad to say that everything is going really well. I managed to get a business loan, find a manufacturer and as we speak my heels are being made..
My original release date was scheduled for June 16th 2015 (which was my father's birthday - he passed in 2003), but unfortunately, with everything that happened, the release has been pushed back to August 3rd 2015! 

I'm really excited guys.. check out the promo poster below and don't forget to follow us on instagram!

I will also be posting a page soon on how to obtain funding for a business.. so watch out for that guys!


Muna's Angel

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