set backs and pick ups

Well guys, I must admit to myself this is getting a little embarrasing lol. The most I can do is just laugh at the situation.

I think prehaps I was a little naive when setting my goals in regards to setting up this business and one thing I can say with conviction is that it is no easy task! Especially doing it alone.

I would like to take this oppurtiunty to give a huge shout out to anyone going on the venture of self employment, I truly have a new found respect for those who have decided to build an empire from sctrach because Lord knows you need to have some serious determination and preseverance. And for those who have made it already a huge congratualations is in order.... and I'll be meeting you at the top baby! Wait on it!

At present my website is being developed, all shoes have been made and are being shipped as we speak and we will be doing our professional shoot sometime at the end of the month.

The most important thing I wanted to say in thisarticle was a huge apology to anyone who was waiting on my heels, but sometmes these things are just out of your hands. I will soon be taking preorders for my shoes and will even post a few pictures for you ladies to have a look at.

I was definatley over ambitious when it came to the launch date of august 3rd. We are looking at around october 3rd instead. But dont worry, these shoes are definatley worth the wait, (not to toot my own horn)

Anyway, I think ill stop here. I'm a firm beliver in actions speaking louder than words! 

Love always

Muna's Angel xoxo

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