Hi Ladies!

Just to let you know, we FINALLY received our shipment and have started posting shoes! So order! order! order!.. while you still can. A few of the shoes have actually sold out, so I've put in a new order for some more of those heels. 

I realised, looking through my blog, that I haven't actually posted any pictures of the heels... So here they are ladies! all ten of MUNACHI London's first collection!



J A N E - B L A C K

J A N E - N U D E


M A G G I E - B L A C K

M A G G I E - G R E Y


E G O - N U D E

E G O - B L A C K

There you have it ladies!

muna's angel

Hi guys, 

I haven’t written anything for a while, so I thought I’d do a few updates.. Unfortunately business is not going the way I would like. The trouble with getting products overseas, which I didn’t anticipate, is the fact that your goods could be held at customs, which is what is happening with me  

I have had pre-orders and just have not been able to send my customer’s their shoes as a result. They have been waiting for nearly two weeks. The only thing I can do is apologise to all my customers who have been waiting on their heels. I’m so sorry! But the shoes will be here by next week, thankfully!
On to better things!.. We just re-did our website and it id looking amazing, if I say so myself!  .. you can check it out at www.munachilondon.com ..Tell us what you think in the comments below! Right now its all a matter of the waiting game to be honest.. so watch this space!

In the meantime, if anyone has any questions about starting a business, being a single mum, or anything that I can help with, please do not hesitate to email me at sylvia@munachilondon.com ! I will try and help in any way I can :)

Muna’s Angel xoxo

Hi Guys!

There's a major giveaway happening so follow @munachilondon on instagram for info x

- Winner announced October 16th!

Muna's Angel
Hi guys,

This is just to let everyone know our website is up and running and we are now taking pre-orders for your heels to be shipped by October 16th!

We are making serious moves guys and any and all support is so welcome! :)

Thanks again!

Link below x

Well guys, I must admit to myself this is getting a little embarrasing lol. The most I can do is just laugh at the situation.

I think prehaps I was a little naive when setting my goals in regards to setting up this business and one thing I can say with conviction is that it is no easy task! Especially doing it alone.

I would like to take this oppurtiunty to give a huge shout out to anyone going on the venture of self employment, I truly have a new found respect for those who have decided to build an empire from sctrach because Lord knows you need to have some serious determination and preseverance. And for those who have made it already a huge congratualations is in order.... and I'll be meeting you at the top baby! Wait on it!

At present my website is being developed, all shoes have been made and are being shipped as we speak and we will be doing our professional shoot sometime at the end of the month.

The most important thing I wanted to say in thisarticle was a huge apology to anyone who was waiting on my heels, but sometmes these things are just out of your hands. I will soon be taking preorders for my shoes and will even post a few pictures for you ladies to have a look at.

I was definatley over ambitious when it came to the launch date of august 3rd. We are looking at around october 3rd instead. But dont worry, these shoes are definatley worth the wait, (not to toot my own horn)

Anyway, I think ill stop here. I'm a firm beliver in actions speaking louder than words! 

Love always

Muna's Angel xoxo

Hi guys!

It's been such a long time since I last posted anything, I know. I've been so busy with motherhood and getting both my business and personal life in order, not to mention staying in the hospital as a result of post natal depression (we'll get to that) and trying to establish a new daily routine..

 SO MUCH has happened since February, I think the most important thing to mention is of course the birth of my baby girl!!

I could not be happier with her, she truly is a gift from God!! 

She was actually 9 days overdue! Ahh the agony!! You did not want to be around me during those 9 days.. I was the moodiest, aggiest, most irritable person lol! My family really stood the tests of time! LMAO

And then, on Good Friday, the blessed day came... MY WATERS BROKE! 24 hours later.. I had a beautiful baby girl! 

I won't go into the ins and outs of the birthing process just yet.. maybe if I have time, I can dedicate a post to it another day. But I can say that I am grateful to God everything went okay and we are both alive and well today. 

The next big thing that happened was my admission to hospital due to my post natal depression. I had a really bad case of post natal depression, I'm talking crying ALL THE TIME, NO SLEEP, NOT LETTING ANYONE HOLD THE BABY, CONSTANT WORRYING... IT NEVER ENDED!! Prior to my admission, I did not sleep for three days straight.. and  finally, I just had a breakdown. There's no shame in asking for help when you are in trouble and there's nothing wrong with being in trouble...
I was admitted and I stayed in hospital for just under two weeks, I finally slept! lol.. I was offered counselling and it really helped. I was able to get back to my old self and tackle some of my issues head on, one by one. It was then that I re-visited my relationship with God also..
I'm starting to let him take control of a lot of areas in life and it just relieves a lot of the stress. 
I hope this story can come as consolation to all you first time mums, especially if you're a single parent like myself. You are never alone! There is always help out there for you! :)
And please please please remember.. motherhood is supposed to be fun! It's supposed to bring fulfillment!.. So enjoy the moment! There's so much beauty in it!! 

Now, onto my business.. I am so glad to say that everything is going really well. I managed to get a business loan, find a manufacturer and as we speak my heels are being made..
My original release date was scheduled for June 16th 2015 (which was my father's birthday - he passed in 2003), but unfortunately, with everything that happened, the release has been pushed back to August 3rd 2015! 

I'm really excited guys.. check out the promo poster below and don't forget to follow us on instagram!

I will also be posting a page soon on how to obtain funding for a business.. so watch out for that guys!


Muna's Angel

Hello again!

It feels as though it's been awhile since I last posted anything... as I am reaching the end of my pregnancy (6 weeks left!), I'm getting a lot busier trying to get things together for my angel :) 

Not to mention, I had the most amazing baby shower last weekend!! Truly, thank you to everyone who came! :)


However, somewhere in between shopping for baby clothes, playing charades and assembling gift boxes; I managed to find the time to complete my business plan. It wasn't so much that I hadn't planned what I was going to do, it was more a matter of getting it all down in a conducive way.

Writing a business plan is no easy task. Not only is it extremely detailed in its character, but it forces you to consider aspects and situations that you may have previously disregarded. With that being said, it is difficult to even know where to begin when constructing a business plan. I found it easiest to simply follow a template that showed me what order I should write my business plan in and what I should include in each paragraph. I've put the links for a few good templates below also. This can save you a tremendous amount of time as well as ensuring that nothing of substantial importance is left out of your business plan. 

I am the type of person to avoid doing things if I do not see the benefit in them, especially things that take up too much of my time. I think that is partly why I avoided writing a business plan for so long. But looking back on it now, I can see how significant it is in its value. I strongly recommend that any business looking to start up, take the time to sit down and get it done. The price of a good business plan is truly immeasurable; not only allowing others to better envision your ideas but also acting as a guide and a reminder for yourself. 

I hope you find this useful guys, I'm off to do more shopping! lol... Links for business plan templates are below


Muna's angel x