a change of plan...

So for those who read my previous post, you should have a vague idea about the kind of person I am... It should be no surprise then that I have decided to go in a slightly different direction than the one I had initially anticipated. 

I had had my heart set on establishing an online clothing store; specifically for Women. But upon the journey and getting in touch with manufacturers; both in the UK, Greece and Italy, it became apparent that this was something that was becoming increasingly difficult to achieve. Not that I am one to shy away from a challenge easily; in fact I think it is a component that actually motivates me more (I'm quite stubborn in that way); But I suddenly got the idea to go into heels and upon research; although it has its fair share of difficulties, it seems doable. 

Both clothes and heels (along with jewellery) are areas that I love when it comes to fashion and as soon as I got the idea to specialise in heels, my pencil hasn't left my hand! I am happy to say that my designs for my first collection is complete and I am currently in talks with a shoe manufacture to produce my heels... watch this space!


Muna's angel x

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